Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Released April 21, 2015
Version 1.2

This Photoshop plugin will generate diffusion limited aggregations.

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Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles moving in a random path due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates. The result is a beautiful fractal computer generated pattern of aggregated particles.


This implementation of DLA is very powerful and makes full use of Adobe Photoshop by allowing the user to specify image-based birth locations, attractors and repellents. Use these features, users can create intricate and sophisticated DLA fractals. It is based on the code presented by the talented Paul Bourke.


Diffusion Limited Aggregation works by allowing the user to specify a total number of iterations which will determine the length of time the fractal will aggregate for. The user can specify a start position or can alternately draw birth locations using a specific color. Additionally, the user can draw attractors that pull the particles towards it, as well as repellents that block the particles. Using a combination of all these tools, the user can force the particles to form specific shapes or work around them.


Play: Computes the aggregation based on the number of iterations. The further the start location is from the attractor and the larger the image size is, the slower the computation. As the aggregation closes in to the attractor color, the computation times will steadily decrease.

Iterations: Defines the maximum number of cycles to compute. The default value of 100 is strictly for testing and you will want a much higher value for any significant aggregations.

Pos X,Y: Defines the horizontal and vertical start location when not using image pixel emitters. The range of -100 to +100 maps across the left/up and right/down image extents.

Stickiness: Controls the thickness of the aggregation. A stickiness of 100% will result in thicker aggregations whereas lower values will result in thinner ones.

Aggregation Color: Defines the aggregation color. Any image pixels of the exact same color will also act as emitters. For instance, if your aggregation color is solid yellow RGB(255,255,0) and your image has pixels of identical color yellow RGB(255,255,0), these pixels will also act as emitters. (See “bg01.bmp”).

Aggregation Color Img: Will use only image emitters for start location. If using image pixels of the exact same color for emitters, you may not want to also use the start location pointer. This feature will disable the start location pointer.


Attractor Color & Threshold: Defines the aggregation attraction color and threshold. In order for Diffusion Limited Aggregation to work, you MUST specify an attractor color and your image MUST have a pixel or more of this color visible in the preview window at any zoom level so that the aggregation has a target to move towards. This color swatch specifies the attractor color and the threshold specifies a limited tolerance value. For instance, if your attractor color is solid green RGB(0,255,0) but your image has shades of green RGB(4,253,2), the threshold will allow for this shade of green to be included as an attractor color. The higher the threshold, the more variance is accepted.


BG Color: Defines the background color when enabled. When using your own image for emission, attraction and repellence pixels, you may not want this to be included in your final render. This feature allows you to color the background a solid, specified color and still use the image’s pixel information.

BG Color Pushbutton: Enables or disables the background color.

Repellent Color & Threshold: Defines the aggregation repellent color and threshold. Diffusion Limited Aggregation allows repellent colors which will block the aggregation and force it to change direction. You can create unique paths and behaviors using this feature. This color swatch specifies the repellent color and the threshold specifies a limited tolerance value. For instance, if your repellent color is solid red RGB(255,0,0) but your image has shades of red RGB(253,2,4), the threshold will allow for this shade of red to be included as an repellent color. The higher the threshold, the more variance is accepted. (See “bg02.bmp”).



  • v1.0 – First release.
  • v1.1 – 64 bit release.
  • v1.2 – Cleaned up help information.

Installing this software is easy and only requires three simple steps:

1 – Download the software by clicking on the Download Demo button located above on the software page. This will prompt you to save a .zip file on your computer.

2 – Extract the contents from the .zip file and place the .8bf file into your host’s plugin folder. For instance, to install for Adobe Photoshop CS6, place the .8bf file into the location shown below. You can make a sub-folder to keep your plugins organized, such as the one below. Please make sure 64 bit plugins such as these are placed in the corresponding 64 bit Adobe Photoshop plugin folder.


If you’re using Photoshop CC (eg. version 2013 – 2019 or later), your Photoshop plug-ins are stored in a folder shared between all Photoshop CC versions shown below.


3 – Launch Adobe Photoshop, open an image and click on Filter > Richard Rosenman > Filter Name. If the filter is grayed out, it may not support your current image color depth.


If you have purchased a commercial license, please review the activation section.

This software is compatible with the following OS:

  • Windows 11 Home 64 bit
  • Windows 11 Pro 64 bit
  • Windows 11 Enterprise 64 bit
  • Windows 11 Education 64 bit
  • Windows 10 Home 64 bit
  • Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit
  • Windows 10 Education 64 bit
  • Windows 8 64 bit
  • Windows 8 Pro 64 bit
  • Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit
  • Windows 7 Home Basic 64 bit
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
  • Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
  • Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
  • Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit
  • Windows Vista Business 64 bit
  • Windows Vista Enterprise 64 bit
  • Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit
  • Windows XP 64 bit
  • Windows XP Professional 64 bit

This software is compatible with the following hosts:

  • Any host capable of running Adobe Photoshop 64 bit compliant plugins
  • Adobe Photoshop (Version CS5 or higher, including CC) 64 bit
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements (Version 13 or higher, including CC) 64 bit
  • Adobe Illustrator (Version CS6 or higher, including CC) 64 bit
  • Computerinsel Photoline 64 (Version 16 or higher) 64 bit
  • CorelDRAW (Version X6 or higher) 64 bit
  • Corel Painter (Version 12.1 or higher) 64 bit
  • Corel Paint Shop Pro (Version X6 or higher) 64 bit
  • Corel Photo-Paint (Version X6 or higher) 64 bit
  • Paint.NET (with the PSFilterPdn plugin) 64 bit
  • Serif PhotoPlus (Version X6 or higher) 64 bit

This software is not compatible with Mac OS